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10 Things You can do to be happier

April 26, 2021 in Wellness

Forgive yourself.

Forgiving yourself is an important step to take in the journey to finding happiness as it helps with self-healing, moving forward, and learning how to forgive yourself and others. 

Let go of the past.

We need to let go of the past and if its a difficult one we need to grow from it and be constructive rather than self-destructive. Your past does not define you, how you grow from it does. 

Have a growth mindset. 

A growth mindset allows you to believe in the idea that intelligence/skills can be developed whereas not having a growth mindset leads to a limiting belief that you are not able nor can you become able.

Clear the clutter, clear your mind.

Clearing the clutter in your living space helps with your mental health in that it creates a happier space and clear your mind bringing it to better focus and a mental state of calmness and peace.

Never compare yourself with others.

Stop comparing your life to others especially with social media “lives” this is all that people put out in the world as a perception of how great their lives are but, in reality, those people may be very unhappy. By comparing yourself with others you are doing a disservice to yourself by not appreciating where you have been and how far you have come and all the things you do have. 

Be blessed not stressed.

Be grateful for what you have and not stress about what you don’t have. Wake up and go to sleep counting your blessings. Stressing doesn’t do anything good not physically or emotionally.

Love yourself, and I mean really love all of you even the parts you don’t like.

Learn to love you not just all physical aspects of yourself but also who you are. Its a matter of changing your mind every day saying nothing but sweet and kind things about yourself.

Choose to be Happy and nothing less.

Every day is a choice and how you will react to events that happen to you, choose happiness and positivity as often as you can, and don’t let it and others ruin your inner peace. The caveat to this is that it is also completely okay to have a bad day or not doing too hot. It is about being more conscientious about deciding what you let affect you.

Don’t have a great day, Make it a great day!

You cant control what happens to you and how your day goes but you can control how you react and feel that day. Bad hair day? So what! Make the best of it! Running late? No worries, life happens. It’s okay to be unhappy at those times but just don’t let it ruin the rest of your day. Make it a great day!

Think positive. Control your thoughts don’t let it control you.

Thinking positively affects all other things in your life. Don’t let outside influences change the way you think about how you look, who you are, where you are, and all other aspects of your life. Don’t let those influences/thoughts creep in your mind and consume you. What others think about you is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.Life should be appreciated and just have a grateful heart.

About My Blog

Welcome to Live Life as You! My name is Benicia (beh-nee-see-uh) but I go by Beni for short. 🙂 First and foremost, thank you for stopping by and showing my blog some love! <3 Throughout my introspective journey of self-healing and changing my outlook on life, I have learned the importance of being true to oneself and how important it is to truly love yourself. I started this blog in hopes to enlighten and empower other women to do the same and to go on a journey to find happiness within and enjoy all that life has to offer. Read More

xoxo, Benicia

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